Sunday, February 21, 2021

21 February 21

 Happy Birthday, Liz Lavigne! Liz is married to Beth's brother Mark Wollenweber, so I count her as one of my three sisters! She and Mark live in Rhode Island, and she is on the faculty of Alpert Medical School, Brown University. She asked me to wear "something related to Hieronymus Bock, German botanist and physician (1498- Feb 21, 1554). He began the transition from medieval botany to the modern scientific worldview by arranging plants by their relation or resemblance. 🌱🌾" And so we arranged for me to wear my Van Gogh Sunflowers tie! It's especially appropriate for today because it was on this date in 1888 that Vincent Van Gogh moved from Paris to Arles, where he began a period of great artistic productivity, including his famous series of paintings of sunflowers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, Gene!
I am sure that Mr. Bock would be pleased to see you honor both the captivating helianthus and a most gifted artist with a single sartorial choice. I certainly am!