Wednesday, October 26, 2016

26 October 16

Since every great musician and composer was born on one of the 366 days of the year, we can always find good reasons to celebrate music every single day! The list for 26 October includes Hans Buchner (1483), Domenico Scarlatti (1685), Johan Helmich Roman (1694), Joaquin de Oxinaga (1719), Ernest Louis Muller (1740), Louis Charles-Joseph Rey (1758), Joseph Mayseder (1789), Nicolaos Mantzaros (1795), Henry Thomas Smart (1813), Stefano Golinelli (1818), Polibo Fumagalli (1830), Hendrick Waelput (1845), Arthur Friedheim (1859), Joseph Moorat (1864), Hermann Lohr (1871), Gustav Hermann Unger (1886), Beryl Rubinstein (1898), Giovanni Salviucci (1907), Mahalia Jackson (1911), Hans Peter Haller (1929), Hans-Joachim Rödelius (1934), Dietmar Polaczek (1942), and Keith Hopwood (1946). Three others not known for music are Felix the Cat (1917), Pat Sajak (1946) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947).

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