Sunday, December 27, 2015

27 December 15

Courtney Kleppinger's birthday is on 24 December, so I have to use a different day to honor her special day! For today she chose my "Papa Seeds" tie, which is designed around a photo of me holding my granddaughter Mallie for the very first time (about two hours after her birth). The story of "Papa Seeds" goes like this: More than ten years ago, Ben and Jonathan were playing around with nicknames for me, and settled on calling me Seeds (because they did not like "Poppy"). So when it was time to decide on a nickname for my role as grandfather, I became Papa Seeds. And by logical transference, Beth became "Mama Seeds."

Later the same day we went with Ben and Amanda to see "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens," and I wore my Star Wars Starfighters tie!

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